Red light could turn chemistry "green!" Researchers in LBL's Structural Biology Division (SBD), led by chemist Heinz Frei, have developed a technique in which red light is used to convert abundant hydrocarbons into valuable chemical compounds at no cost to the environment.
A central theme of current catalysis research is the redesigning of the industrial processes used to manufacture plastics and other synthetic materials.
Frei explains, "Many current synthesizing processes in industry create problems for the environment. They also waste energy. Industry needs new processes that are product specific, environmentally benign, and energy efficient."
Most synthetic materials are made through the oxidation of small hydrocarbons, one of Nature's most plentiful raw materials. For the past several years, Frei has been exploring the use of red and near-infrared radiation to initiate hydrocarbon oxidation in a tightly controlled fashion. Because red and near-infrared photons are the least expensive to artificially produce, this photochemical technique is economically competitive with other catalytic methods.
In earlier work, Frei and coworkers achieved oxidation reactions in a "cryogenic matrix environment," where potentially reactive molecules were immobilized in a frozen gas and irradiated with red and near-infrared photons. These photons are substantially lower in energy than the blue or ultraviolet light most often used in photochemistry.
"The use of low energy photons gave us access to low energy reaction pathways," Frei says. "This gave us product specificity because we were below the dissociation energies of the reaction partners. Excitation above dissociation energies often leads to unwanted byproducts."
Now, working with Fritz Blatter and Hai Sun, Frei has developed a new technique for selective hydrocarbon oxidation that not only permits the use of red and near-infrared photons, but also enables photochemical reactions to take place at room temperature. What makes this possible is the immobilization of reactants not in a cryogenic matrix, but in molecular-sized cages of inert solid materials called zeolites.
Zeolites are alumino silicates used widely in the petrochemical industry as catalysts. They feature unique pore structures inside which smaller molecules can be imprisoned. Using a synthetic version of a natural zeolite called faujasite, Frei and his colleagues successfully held and photo-oxidized small alkene molecules into industrially important chemical building blocks and intermediaries such as hydroperoxides, carbonyls, and epoxides. This was accomplished without the customary release of carbon dioxide, the chief contributor to global warming and the greenhouse effect.
To photo-oxidize their alkene molecules, Frei and Blatter loaded them as a gas into zeolite pellets and added oxygen. Reactant molecules paired with one another and were held together by the zeolite cages in close contact so that irradiation with red light triggered oxidation.
Says Frei, "Zeolites offer an ideal environment for the formation of new complexes at high concentrations. Excitation of these complexes with light allows us to access reaction surfaces and, in some cases, products that are not attainable through conventional thermal activation."
Another advantage in using zeolties, Frei points out, is that their inherently large electrostatic fields act to stabilize the excited charge-transfer energy states of hydrocarbon-oxygen complexes. This allows zeolite photochemistry to be performed with light from a conventional tungsten lamp rather than a laser.
Since practically all of the polymers from which come today's synthetic materials are manufactured from chemical building blocks that are themselves produced by oxidation of hydrocarbons, Frei's red-light photochemistry research has far-reaching industrial potential. He and his colleagues are now studying the application of their technique to organic compounds derived from hydrocarbons.
PHOTO CAPTION -- From left, Heinz Frei, Fritz Blatter and Hai Sun of the Structural Biology Division are using ordinary red light to convert hydrocarbons into commercial chemicals without harming the environment. Photo by Steve Adams
By Lynn Yarris, [email protected]
"The view of science in the country is undergoing a dramatic change that affects both the university campuses and the national laboratories," LBL director Charles V. Shank told the UC Regents in his annual report to their Committee on the Oversight of the DOE Laboratories. "Everyone thinks that the change affects only the weapons labs but non-weapons laboratories are also being influenced. We're being asked to solve problems that respond to national needs and to explain how we benefit the nation."
In his March 18 presentation, Shank explained how the DOE task force formed by Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary and chaired by Robert Galvin of the Motorola Corporation (see Currents, March 25) is assessing the performance of all the national laboratories in terms of the benefits they deliver to the nation.
"If we at the national laboratories are going to prosper and be supported in the future the way we have been supported in the past, we're going to have to reach out and explain what we do and how our (research) progress relates to solving problems that people really care about," Shank said.
As examples of fundamental research at LBL that are now being applied to areas of national concern, Shank cited work in the Energy and Environment Division begun by high-energy physicists that has paved the way for superwindows, advanced lighting systems, and computer-based energy-efficient building designs, plus the invention of a biologically sensitive thin film in the Materials Sciences Division that can be used to diagnose for flu virus. Shank also discussed LBL's forefront participation in the creation of a national electronic information highway, and how the American textile industry has turned to LBL and other national laboratories for the technology that can help stem the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs to foreign competitors.
Through a computerized system of demand-activated marketing, Shank said, "We can enable domestic manufacturers to regulate their inventories with an efficiency that just can't be done today."
In speaking about the future of LBL, Shank stressed that the Galvin task force and other upcoming reviews of the national laboratory system makes it imperative that "we identify problems of national importance where our research can make a difference."
As to the solution of these problems, Shank said LBL will be most effective by building partnerships with the University campuses and with private industry.
"We're going to have to please those who represent the American people so that, in the future, they will fund us in a healthy manner and give us an opportunity to deliver the benefits that we are capable of providing."
Ralph Gomory, president of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, will be the next guest speaker in the LBL lecture series Science and Technology in a Competitive World. He will speak on "Uncertainty and the Federal Role in Science and Technology" at noon on Monday, April 4, in the Bldg. 50 auditorium. All employees are invited to attend.
LBL Director Charles Shank hailed it as a program that will have a lasting impact on the Laboratory. Participating LBL managers--many of them admittedly skeptical when they began the program--say it has already improved the way they manage.
With fanfare and personal testimony, the FrontLine Leadership Training Program graduated its first "class" on March 21 in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium. More than 120 directors, department heads, managers, and supervisors from the Administration and Operations divisions celebrated the completion of a six-month (July--December) series of half-day-long classes on communication and problem solving. By the end of summer, approximately 300 lab employees will have undergone similar training through the program, which is administered by Zenger Miller Inc. of San Jose.
The program consists of modules that focus on issues critical to successful leadership and successful management, such as recognizing positive results and giving constructive feedback. The classes help supervisors in conflict resolution, for example, by focusing on the situation, issue, or behavior, rather than the individuals involved in the situation.
"The concepts in the program are not difficult, or even unique," said Klaus Berkner, Associate Lab Director for Operations. "But they are concepts managers need to practice to improve their skills."
Rod Fleischman, Associate Lab Director of Administration, and Berkner brought the program to LBL with hopes of revitalizing management in their divisions. While the first phase involved the training of their own managers, including division administrators and some Director's Office supervisors, it is expected that future phases will bring in supervisors from across the Lab.
In addition to improving an individual's supervisory skills, the program has helped LBL supervisors communicate with one another, and recognize that many of the problems they face are shared by others. "The program has given us a common language that we can use when discussing issues," said Anil More, of the Environment, Health and Safety Division. More was one of several participants who spoke about the program during the graduation ceremony. He was joined by Leslie Cobb, Jan Turrini, Bob Fink, and Fred Lothrop.
The principles taught in the course are summarized in a small notebook that participants keep with them. Nicknamed the "blue fuzzy," the booklet has turned into something of a unifying tool itself, giving program graduates a common ground on which they can work out problems in management meetings.
"When people walk into a meeting with the blue book in their hand, it gets everyone's attention," said Fleischman. "It's been fun trying to apply the principles to real situations, and to try and make sure our policies and actions are consistent with them."
Several participants, including More and Lothrop, head of the Reception Center, have formed groups outside the program in which fellow graduates can discuss how they have progressed with what they learned in the program.
The next two phases of the FrontLine Leadership program are already under way with two more groups of LBL managers. New modules emphasizing quality and teamwork will be offered in April to graduates of the first phase as part of the ongoing training program.
The first group of participants in the FrontLine Leadership Training Program celebrated the completion of the program with a graduation ceremony in the Bldg. 66 auditorium.
Senior Executives
Rod Fleischman
William Barletta
David McGraw
Edward Burgess
J. Robert Camper
Stewart Loken
Klaus Berkner
Department Heads
Charles Courey
Carl Eben
Cheryl Fragiadakis
Christine Kurata
Stephanie Peterson
Dave Shepherd
Roger Bangerter
Swapan Chattopadhyay
Benedict Feinberg
Richard Gough
Brian Kincaid
Henry Rutkowski
John Bartley
Connie Grondona
Kam Tung
Forrest Goss
Leslie Jackson
Joseph Jaklevic
Donald Rondeau
Robert Fink
Sandy Merola
Bruce Bagnoli
Bert Schleifer
Managers & Supervisors
Richard Arri
Charles Axtheim
Gerald Basel
John Beales
James Bettencourt
Julie Blickle
Tamara Brown
Monte Clevenger
Michelle Fraysse
Loretta Hefner
Richard Johnson
James Johnson
Kenneth Lines
Fred Lothrop
John Patterson
Don Prestella
Gavin Robillard
Gabriel Ruiz
R. David Saucer
Frederick Schirmer
Linda Turner
Janice Turrini
Augustine Aitkens
Suzanne Bowen
Alan Jackson
Kwang Kim
Joy Kono
Edward Lee
Robert Miller
James O'Neill
Howard Padmore
Elizabeth Saucier
Ronald Scanlan
Alfred Schlacher
Nancy Talcott
Malcom Williams
Albert Kanzaki
Mona Bernstein
Delia Clark
James Floyd
Iraj Javandel
Paul Johnson
Roger Kloepping
Anil More
Ronald Pauer
Kathleen Richards
John Rosen
Tim Wan
Billy White
Leslie Cobb
Richard Johnson
Stephen Lewis
Janice Magee
James Paterson
Nancy Tallerico
Carol Backhus
Cynthia Coolahan
F.S. Gibson
Nancy Johnston
Gloria Lawler
Jimmy Lovato
Sig Rogers
Linda Smith
David Stevens
Charles Allen
Carol Bruzzone
Douglas Lockhart
William Lopez
Richard McClure
Frederick Mecum
Loretta Reese
Wesley Steele
By Lynn Yarris, [email protected]
"The Search for Heavy Elements," a half-hour video that documents the expansion of the periodic table through the creation at LBL of elements heavier than uranium, will premiere at noon on Tuesday, April 5, in the Bldg. 50 auditorium. All employees are invited to attend. A second showing is scheduled for Thursday, April 21, at the same time and location.
Produced by Diane LaMacchia of the Public Information Department, "The Search for Heavy Elements" tells its story through a mix of rarely-seen archival footage, historical photos, interviews with scientists who made the history--such as Glenn Seaborg and Albert Ghiorso--and computer animation created by Flavio Robles Jr. of the Technical Information Department in consultation with Crystal Stevenson. The video has
The presentation is also timely as it culminates with the discovery of element 106 and the naming of this newest member of the periodic table "seaborgium"--the first time an element has ever been named for a living person.
Historical film footage was courtesty of Vicky Chen and Lori Hefner of LBL Archives. Copies of the new video will be available for purchase. For information, call Diane LaMacchia at X4015.
LBL Director Charles Shank has issued the call for proposals for the FY1995 Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program (LDRD). This program provides support for projects in forefront areas of science and technology that can enrich Laboratory R&D capabilities and achievements.
For FY 1995, emphasis will be given to supporting new R&D initiatives that connect with Laboratory core competencies identified in LBL's institutional and strategic plans. The Director encourages multi-investigator, multi-divisional initiatives.
Proposal forms have been distributed to division directors and administrators. Proposals are due to division directors by Friday, April 29. After conducting an internal review and evaluation, division directors should forward the proposals to the Director's Office by Friday, May 13. Incomplete proposals will be returned to division offices, which will have an opportunity to revise and resubmit them by May 27.
Division directors will present the proposals to a review committee composed of the director, deputy director, associate lab directors, and other division directors from the same program area. The director will make the final decisions.
Support for the program comes from Laboratory overhead; its budget allocations are not subject to scientific burden. Approximately $5 million in operating expenses is planned for FY94. The level of capital equipment funding, which is a separate allocation, is planned to be about $500K. If capital equipment is requested, it must be an integral part of the submitted proposals, as indicated in the guidance. Funded projects will be announced in August.
The call for proposals and forms are also available on Appleshare, DIR zone, OPD Server, LDRD file.
Mosaic is public domain (free) software that allows individual computers to access information in the World Wide Web, a network that links databases at LBL and around the world. Versions of Mosaic are available for Macs, PCs, Sun, Silicon Graphics, and VAX workstations.
Taking advantage of Mosaic, groups around the Laboratory are setting up computer-based libraries of text, images, and scientific data. This information can be browsed from any network-linked computer or workstation at LBL or from computers anywhere on the Internet.
Current Lab users of Mosaic include the Human Genome Center, the Engineering Division, the Imaging and Distributed Computing Group, and the Advanced Light Source.
A partial list of general-purpose on-line information about LBL includes the 1993 catalog of LBL research abstracts, LBL Currents, LBL Computing Newsletter, an archive of science articles from Currents and the LBL Research Review, multiple library catalog services, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for LBL employees, and the Current Jobs Offerings.
To help you navigate the World Wide Web, the LBL Mosaic server includes hypertext links to scores of other destinations selected because of their likely interest to the LBL community. These outside resources include other national laboratories, the White House, the Library of Congress, SLAC, CERN, major universities around the world, museums, federal archives, systems with maps, audio files, and even film clips.
Because Mosaic is new at LBL, the information it provides is constantly being updated and expanded. All information is searchable and easily accessed.
Setting up LBL's World-Wide Web databases has been a collaborative project headed by Martin Gelbaum and Case Larsen of ICSD. Others involved in the project include Jeff Kahn of the Public Information Department; Gabby Obegi, Jeff Shaw, and Donn Davy of the Engineering Division; and Arun Aggarwal of ICSD.
The Lab has scheduled an on-line presentation of Mosaic at noon on Monday, April 11, in the Bldg. 50 auditorium. Bill Johnston, who heads the Information and Computing Science Division's Imaging Technologies Group, will demonstrate how to use Mosaic.
How to get started
To install and run Mosaic from a Macintosh, get "NCSA Mosaic" from the WKSG server in the wksg zone, via Appleshare. Copy the entire NCSA Mosaic folder from the Information Retrieval folder in the Communication folder in the Public Access volume. Then, read and follow the directions in the "README-LBL" file in that folder. For assistance, call the Workstation Group at X6900.
For PC users, first you must have Windows as well as LAN Workplace for DOS installed on your PC. To install Mosaic, get the MOSAIC distribution disk from the Workstation Group and run "INSTALL." To start Mosaic, double-click on the Mosaic icon in Windows (often found in the Applications Group). PC users who need help should call the Workstation Group at X6858.
Mosaic has been installed on the Sun, SGI, VAX, and Alpha computers managed by LBL's Unix and VMS groups. Mosaic requires that you run X11 or OpenWindows on UNIX, or DECWindows/Motif on VMS. If you have a character-based system (such as VT100), you will not be able to run Mosaic. However, much of the information available on the World Wide can be viewed through lynx.
Jane Long, head of the Earth Sciences Division's Energy Resource Development Department, will give the next talk in the Women in Science and Engineering seminar series, scheduled for 12:10 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5, in Bldg. 70A-3377 (please note change of day). She will speak on "Fluid Flow Through Fractures in Rocks," which she explains as follows: Fluids such as water or oil flow through fractures in rock. Although rocks underground are ubiquitously fractured, only a few fractures may actually conduct fluids. The genesis of the fractures may provide some clue as to which are important. Geophysical techniques help to see these fractures and design appropriate hydraulic testing programs. These techniques taken together help to predict such varied problems as how nuclear waste repositories will perform, how more oil can best be produced from resevoirs, or how underground tunnels will remain dry.
Refreshments will be served at noon. All employees are invited to attend.
4/4&6 Radiation Protection--Radionuclides (EHS-430) 8 a.m. - noon 2-100B
4/5 Laser Safety (EHS-280) 9-11:45 a.m. 90-4133
4/7 Lockout/Tagout Training (EHS-256) 9 a.m. - noon 90-4133
4/7 Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR; EHS-123) 9 a.m. - noon 66-316
4/12 Level (I) Crane/Hoist Operator Training (EHS-211) 8 a.m. - noon 70A-3377
4/12 Forklift Truck Safety (EHS-225) 8:30-10 a.m. 90-4133
4/13 Fire Extinguisher Use (EHS-530) 10-11:30 a.m. 4-102B
4/13 Chemical Hygiene and Safety Training (EHS-348)* 9-11:30 a.m. 2-100B
4/14&21 EH&S Roles & Responsibilities for Supervisors
in Shop Settings (EHS-25) 8:30 a.m. - noon 66-316
4/19 Ergonomics for Computer Users (EHS-60) 9-11 a.m. 7C Conf. Rm.
4/21 First Aid (EHS-116) 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 66-316
4/21 Introduction to Environment, Health & Safety at LBL** 9-11:30 a.m. 66 Aud.
4/28 Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR; EHS-123) 9 a.m. - noon 66-316
*New course offering **New course name
Pre-registration is required for all courses except New Employee Orientation (EHS-10). Call the Emergency Preparedness Office at X6554 to register for: CPR, First Aid, Fire Extinguisher Use, Earthquake Safety, and Building Emergency Team Training. Call X6612 or send a fax with your name, extension and employee number to X6608 to pre-register for all other EH&S courses.
Fridays in April, Noon - 1 p.m.
50 Auditorium
Popcorn will be provided
April 1 Heroes of the Earth
April 8 Wilderness: The Last Stand
April 15 Eco-Rap: Voices from the Hood
April 25 Reels on Wheels:
The Water Cycle and
Return of the Scorcher
Every Tuesday in April, Noon - 1 p.m.
Meet outside Bldg. 50
Wear comfortable shoes
Limited to 25 people - sign up in advance
by calling Brennan Kreller at Ext. 6566
Thursday, April 7, Noon - 1 p.m.
50 Auditorium
Taught by Dayna Powell
Wednesday, April 13
Depart from Bldg. 65 at 11:45 a.m. and return at 1 p.m.
Reservations required and limited to 25
Contact Shelley Worsham at Ext. 6123
Tuesday, April 19, Noon - 1:00 p.m. at Bldg. 50 Auditorium
Dan Knapp, owner and operator of Urban Ore in Berkeley
will speak on "The Science of Recycling"
Wednesday, April 20, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.,
at the Cafeteria lawn and parking lot
See an electric vehicle and alternative vehicle display
Talk to representatives from Sierra Club, PG&E, Bay Area Rides, East Bay Regional Parks, EPA; and LBL Groups
such as Earth Sciences, EH&S, and Energy & Environment
Thursday, April 28, Noon - 1 p.m. outside Bldg. 50
Learn more about EH&S monitoring and restoration activities
Led by Iraj Javandel of the Earth Sciences Division
Organic Composting & Gardening Class
LBL gardener Dayna Powell will give a class on Organic Composting and Gardening at noon on Thursday, April 7, in the Bldg. 50 auditorium. If you are interested in ways to improve the health and appearance of your lawn or garden, and would like to do so without using unnatural chemicals, then this event is a must.
Volunteers are needed for the LBL Eco-Fair on April 20, mainly for set-up and clean-up help, between 10:30 a.m. and
2 p.m. on the cafeteria lawn.
Volunteers are also needed for the Berkeley Earth Day Fair, which will take place on Saturday, April 23, at Martin Luther King Jr. Park. Help is needed between 11 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., either with setting up or staffing the LBL exhibit.
Anyone interested in volunteering for either of these events should contact Christine Jue at X6585.
LBL gardener Dayna Powell will lead the first of four nature walks around the Laboratory on Tuesday, April 5. The walk will begin at noon in front of Bldg. 50. She will repeat the tour each Tuesday through April. Each walk will last just under an hour and will require comfortable footwear.
To sign up for one of the walks, contact Brennan Kreller at X6566.
The last in a series of brown-bag seminars sponsored by LBL's Benefits Office for those considering retirement will be held at noon on Wednesday, April 6 in the Bldg. 50 auditorium. Attorney Jack Eugene Teeters, CPA, CFP, will discuss estate planning and preservation of assets. All interested employees are invited to attend.
The 1993 LBL Annual Report is available for distribution. The publication, which summarizes the work of the Laboratory during the past year, can be obtained from the Public Information Department in Bldg. 65B, or by calling Mary Padilla at X5771.
Substitute letters to decipher this cryptogram and reveal the timely message--an encoded quote from a famous person. The first person to telephone, fax, quickmail or e-mail the solution to Brennan Kreller in Community Relations wins an LBL thermal mug. (The mugs are scheduled to arrive in late April.)
Phone - X6566
Fax - X6421
e-mail: [email protected]
Entries for the LBL Earth Day Poster Contest should be submitted to Karin Levy in the Center for Science and Engineering Education by Friday, April 8. The contest is open to elementary (K-6) students, and there will be a special category for children of LBL staff. Posters should depict the theme, "Good planets are hard to find."
All participants will receive a certificate of congratulations. Posters will be awarded to the winner of each grade level category (K-2, 3-4, and 5-6), and the overall winner will receive a trophy. For additional information, contact Levy at X5513.
8 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 2-100B; Radiation Protection - Radionuclides (EHS 430), concludes on Wednesday; pre-registration required, X6612
Noon, Bldg. 50 Aud.; R. Gomory, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, "Uncertainty and the Federal Role in Science and Technology"
3:30 p.m., 120 Latimer; M. Kilgore, UCB, "Simulation of Transport in Plasma Processing Reactors: Particulates and Gas Flow"; J. Daugherty, UCB, "Particles in Plasmas: Measurements and Models"
3:30 p.m., 3105 Etcheverry; A. Harms, McMaster Univ., Canada, "Towards a Technology of Fail-Safe Fission Reactors," Refreshments, 3:15 p.m.
5 t u e s d a y
9-11:45 a.m., Bldg. 90-4133; Laser Safety (EHS 280); pre-registration required, X6612
10 a.m., Bldg. 50A-5132; S. Covey, Covey Leadership Ctr., "Beyond Principle-Centered Leadership"
Noon, meet outside Bldg. 50; pre-registration required, X6566
12:10 p.m., Bldg. 70-3377 Aud.; J. Long, LBL, "Fluid Flow Through Fractures in Rocks," Refreshments, noon
4 p.m., Bldg. 66 Aud.; W. Chiu, Baylor College of Medicine, "Structural Studies of Actin Bundles by Electron Crystallography"
6 w e d n e s d a y
8 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 2-100B; Radiation Protection - Radionuclides (EHS 430), continued from Monday; pre-registration required, X6612
Noon, Bldg. 50 Aud.; call X6680 to register
4:30 p.m., 1 Le Conte; R. Car, Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland, "Phase Diagrams of Materials from First-Principles Simulations," Refreshments, 4 p.m., 375 Le Conte
7 t h u r s d a y
9 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 90-4133; Lockout/Tagout Training (EHS 256); pre-registration required, X6612
9 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 66-316; Adult CPR (EHS 123) pre-registration required, X6554
Noon, Bldg. 50 Aud.; D. Powell, LBL, "Organic Composting and Gardening"
1:30 p.m., Bldg. 66-317; J. Fendler, Syracuse Univ., "Colloid Chemical Approach to Advanced Materials"
4 p.m., Bldg. 50A-5132; B. Schumm, LBL, "A Precise Measurement of the Left-Right Cross Section Asymmetry ALR," Refreshments, 3:40 p.m.
8 f r i d a y
Noon, Bldg. 50 Aud.; "Wilderness: The Last Stand"
4 p.m., Bldg. 2-100B; W. Ng, Univ. of Wisconsin, "Recent Results from the MAXIMUM Project; Photoemission Microscopy at sub-1000Å Resolution," Refreshments, 3:30 p.m.
Banana pancakes
Lentil vegetable[[heart]]
Baked chicken w/sage dressing
Chili dog
South of the Border
Biscuits & gravy w/eggs
Chicken corn chowder
Broccoli & beef stir-fry
Corned beef hash & eggs
Cream of tomato[[heart]]
Meat loaf
Reuben sandwich
South of the Border
Blueberry pancakes
Manhattan clam chowder[[heart]]
Kung pao chicken[[heart]]
Rib-eye steak sandwich
Pizza pizza
Ham scramble
Vegetarian minestrone[[heart]]
Lemon pepper cod filet[[heart]]
Bacon cheese burger
South of the Border
Flea Market ads may be sent via Lab mail to Bldg. 65B, electronic mail to [email protected], or via Fax to X6641. The deadline is 5 p.m Friday.
'64 VOLVO 122S, many new parts, great daily trans., $1K/b.o. Deane Merrill, X5063, Mark, (415)441-2390
'77 TOYOTA Celica GT liftbk, 5-spd, new tires, mags, AM/FM radio, 1 owner, as is, must sell $1500/b.o. Bobbie, 658-7989
'79 DODGE 1/2-ton step side, 125K mi., lots of new & extra items, $1250/b.o. Martin, X4371, 370-6002
'79 VW Rabbit, best offer. Karen, X7330, Kate Leslie, (415)775-7552
'82 VW Rabbit, diesel, gd body, runs well but needs repair, $550. 741-7732
'84 TOYOTA Tercel, hatchbk, 4-spd, runs great, 87K mi., clean, $3K/b.o. Laura, X4088, 525-5543
MOTORCYCLE, '81 Honda CB 900F Supersport, tank & saddle bags, luggage rack, padded back rest, exc. cond., photos in cafeteria, $1250. Ron, X6189, 516-1727
ROOF RACK, Yakima, locking, for gutterless vehicles (from '88 Maxima), locking ski racks, $125.00, skis/poles included. Steve, X4681, 463-1202 (eve.)
WHEELS (4), '89 Ford Bronco, stock w/lugs, exc. cond., $175. 631-0594
CARPOOL drivers/riders wanted, Walnut Creek/Lafayette area to CB, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. work hrs. Liona, 643-7005
VANPOOL, riders wanted, Antioch to Berkeley, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. work hrs. Charles Smith, X7615, Vanessa Selzer, 642-6301
SLAVYANKA MEN'S SLAVIC CHORUS, Sat., 4/30, 7:30 p.m., liturgical (Slavonic) and Russian folk music, Showcase Theater, Marin County Civic Center, San Rafael, $12 gen., $8 student/senior; Sat., 5/21, 8 p.m., Shvedov Liturgy for male voices, St. Mark's Lutheran, 1111 O'Farrell, SF, $12 gen., $8 student/senior. Donn Davy, X4162, or Deane Merrill, X5063
BABY-SITTER for 9 yr. old, nr Mormon Temple/Head Royce area, part-time, before & after school at your home, starting in the summer. X6479
BARBECUE, used, Weber or dome-shaped, sm. or lg., prefer free. Rene Meldem, X7538, X5711
GARAGE for storage, dry, secure. X4695, 843-5100
HOST VOLUNTEERS for International students living on campus, to maintain informal contact & hosting for school breaks & holidays. John Ruzek, X5987, 939-5181 (eve.)
REFRIGERATOR or chest freezer, cheap, works. Pat, X6042
VGA MONITOR for IBM PC, will pay up to $150, depending on cond. Thomas, 549-3566
VIDEO CAMERA, old or broken, for school sci. project. M. Saljoughian, X4373
AIRLINE SHIPPING CRATE for dog, Vari-Kennel, Intermediate 32"Lx22"Wx23" H, exc. cond., little use, $45. Auben, X4613, 245-0343
BICYCLES, girl's 24", 10-spd, Murray, 18" frame, exc. cond., $60; 24" single spd bike, exc. cond., $30; scooter, 12" pneumatic tires, w/hand brake, $20. Hank, X4517
BICYCLE, dirt, Diamond Back Silver Streak, chrome, gd cond., $80. 631-0594
BIKES, Roadmaster, man's deluxe, woman's, exc. cond., $500/b.o. X7407
CAMCORDER, industrial Panasonic AG450 SVHS, gd cond., incl. case & accessories, $700/b.o.; tripod & dolly wheels, make offer. Cindy, X7950
CRIB & other baby stuff. 845-7233
DESK, lg., executive-style, 3'x6', mahogany, exc. cond., 7-drwrs incl. 2 vertical file drwrs, $250. Ed, X7501, 548-1492
DESK, wood, gd cond., 52"Lx30"Dx30"H, 6-drwr incl. 1 file drwr, $50/b.o.; steel file cabinet, 2-drwr, 26.5"Dx15"Wx29"H, almond color, $50/b.o. Chaz or Lisa at 649-1102
DRAFTING TABLE, Hamilton VR20, elec., w/drafting machine & scales; stereo, Kenwood amp, tuner, phono, cass., best offer; extensive record collection of mostly rock & roll from the seventies, eighties, best offer. Steve, X4681, 463-1202(eve.)
EXERCISE BIKE, air resistant, purchased in Jan. '94, hardly used, time, spd, distance, calories & pulse functions, odometer on digital monitor, handle bars work w/pedals, $225/b.o. Jim Severns, X6058, 284-2353
GAME BOY, incl. 14 games & several accessories, $110; Turbo Graphix 16 w/5 games & accessories, $80; Genesis w/9 games & 2 controllers, $130, like new. 654-6228
JET SKI, '85 Kawasaki 440, S.S. prop, elec. bilge pump, pole spring, water bypass, flush kit, modified pump, milled head, ported cylinders, cover & cart, photos in cafeteria, $1250. Ron, X6189, 516-1727
MOVING SALE, furniture less than 2 yrs. old, sofa, $275; matching love seat, $225; white desk, $40; entertainment ctr, $75; night stands (2), $30 ea.; free-standing lamp, $25; bean bag chairs, red, $25; ski boots, about sz. 8, $60; coffee table, blk, $30. H. Matis, X5031, 339-0584
MOVING SALE, sofa bed, $60; couch & matching chair, $60; end table, $5; twin bed, $40; ofc.-style desk, $50; stereo cabinet, $20. Randy, 642-5927
ORGANIZERS, a pair, Casio, incl. the IBM PC software to communicate with them, 64K models 8000 & 7000, units identical except for size, $100. Alan, X7700, 758-7104
RADIAL ARM SAW w/cabinet, Sears Craftman, elec. 10", top-of-line, cost $600, $350; rowing machine, Monark 633, gd quality, $75. 937-7244
SAILBOARD, Fanatic Mega Jag, 8'-10", fast, exc., blade, $495; Wind Wing Race Pro 6.2, $295; North Infinity 4.3, $95. X6797, 236-4347
SAILBOAT, El Toro, fiberglass w/mahogany trim, gd cond., trade for sailboard or $300/b.o. Bob, 376-2211
VIDEO TAPE RACKS (3), blk metal, ea. rack holds 10 tapes, attach to back of door or inside closet, never used, $10/b.o. for all three; wooden bow, for target practice, 30 lb. pull, gd for light arrows, $50/b.o.; stand for printer or sewing machine, about 30" high, metal, w/wheels on the bottom and storage space inside, very functional, $20/b.o. Jon K., X5974
BERKELEY, suite in spacious, new, 2-bdrm apt, incl. washer/dryer, dishwasher, refrig & microwave, for share w/present tenant, 10 min. walk from BART/LBL shuttle, avail. 5/1, $400/mo. + exp. Camilo, X6532, 845-5442
BERKELEY, upstairs furn. studio w/parking & skylight, 10 min. walk to UCB/LBL shuttle, perfect for short term visitors, $525/mo. 548-9869
BERKELEY, 2-bdrm lower flat, sunny, w/yd & parking, 10 min. walk to UCB/LBL shuttle, $825/mo. 540-035
BERKELEY, 2-bdrm house w/yard, garage, workshop & frpl, 20 min. walk to UCB/LBL shuttle. 527-4192
BERKELEY, 3-bdrm, 2-bth upper duplex, new bldg., refrig., dishwasher, washer/dryer, 2 frpls, Jacuzzi bthtub, w-w carpets, deck, off st. parking, nr dwntn, $1400/mo. David, 525-4470
BERKELEY, furn. rm w/sep. entrance, pvt. bth, garden view, kitchen & laundry privs., walking distance from LHS, $485/mo. 549-0510
BERKELEY, Spruce St. between Hearst & Virginia, 2 min. walk from LBL shuttle, sublet 4/3 - 5/28 (shorter period negot.), unfurn. 2 lg. bdrms, 2-bth apt., queen bed in 1 bdrm, split level, dishwasher, refrig., stove, coin-op. laundry, window coverings, balcony, carpets, sec. bldg., $750/mo., sec. parking avail. for fee. (415)424-1734
BERKELEY, furn. 1-bdrm apt., hardwd flrs, short term lease, $610/mo. 527-1358
BERKELEY HILLS, 2-bdrm, 1-bth house nr Euclid/Cedar, 5 blks from UCB, secluded, redwood in & out, wooden flrs, newly painted, pristine cond., $1400/mo., water & gardener incl. 548-1287
NO. BERKELEY, upper rm, unfurn., w/sep. entrance, pvt. bath, deck, view, kitchen & laundry privs., off-st. parking, 5 min. walk from BART/LBL shuttle, $525/mo. + util. Mark, 528-0323 (eve. & wkend)
NO. BERKELEY HILLS, nr Tilden Park, GG view from lg. living rm, dining rm, bkfast nook, 2 rms, 1-bth, fully equip. kitchen, color TV, VCR, tape deck, stereo, 1 blk from bus, no pets, no smoking, prefer single family, avail. 4/13-6/13. 524-5597
CONCORD, Dana Farms, nr Ygnacio at base of Mt. Diablo, roommate wanted for spacious 4-bdrm house, neighborhood pool open May-Oct., nr shopping & state parks, 35 min. to LBL, van/carpools avail., $265/mo. + share utils. X4517
EL CERRITO, furn. 3-bdrm, 2-bth house, hot tub, avail. July & Aug., $2K/mo. incl. utils. & use of automobile. 237-4654
KENSINGTON, furn. 2-bdrm apt, scenic view, beaut. neighborhood, w/restaurants & stores, 2 mi. from UCB, no smoking, no pets, avail. July 1 thru September '94, seek visiting prof./scientist, $940/mo. X5369
OAKLAND, Grand/Lake/Piedmont area, 2 bed, 1-1/2 bth condo, top flr, sec. bldg., underground parking, pool, nr trans. & shops, lease for $725/mo., or purchase for $89K. Dale Sartor, 635-0696
RICHMOND ANNEX (2 listings), both in triplex, nr E.C. Plaza & BART, incl. stove, refrig., dishwasher & 1-car garage, 1-bdrm apt., $575/mo. + $750 dep.; 2-bdrm apt., $750/mo. + $800 dep. Judy or Tom, 527-8766
WANTED: 3-bdrm house, possible 2-bdrm, for visiting professor, wife & 2 children, for 1 mo. (slightly flex.) starting 6/22, will have a car so can be outside Berkeley. J Pati, [email protected]
WANTED: Furn. house/lg. apt for visiting professor, 2-bdrm min., for 1 yr., starting Sept. '94, prefer No. Berkeley/Kensington. Per, c/o X5369
WANTED: Furn. room/apt for visiting scientist, for 1 yr., starting Sept. '94, prefer No. Berkeley/Kensington. Mads, c/o X5369
WANTED: Furn. apt./house for visiting prof. & family, 3 mos., May-July, 2 or 3 bdrm. Bob, X4831
INCLINE VILLAGE, No. Tahoe, 3-bdrm condo, slps 8+, nr skiing (5 min. from Diamond Peak, 10 min. from Northstar), convenient to lake, casinos & shopping. Hank, X4517, 449-7240
SO. LAKE TAHOE, deluxe townhouse, lakefront, all amenities, nr all play spots. Herbert Newkirk, 422-8845, 455-5595
SO. LAKE TAHOE, condo. timeshare, Stardust Lodge, currently sells for $14K/wk, I am offering a week for $4K. Greg, X6213, 683-9551
LOST: Earring, sterling silver, filigree design, on Tues., 3/22, loc. of Bldg. 50, 50A or 50B, to Blackberry Canyon parking lot. 843-2097
COLOR PAPER, Cibachrome-A, for printing color slides, 60 sheets, 8X10, pearl, med. weight, unopened; 9 sheets, 11x14, all stored in freezer. Alan, X7700
RADIAL TIRE, 155 SR12, gd tread. Ken, X5663
Mary Bodvarsson, X4014
Mac QuickMail, fax X6641
Jeffery Kahn
Mike Wooldridge
Lynn Yarris
Fax X6641
Deadline: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday
Fax X6641
Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday
Mary Padilla, X5771
Alice Ramirez
Public Information Dept., Bldg. 65B
Mike Chartock, Acting Manager