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Berkeley Lab Currents

April 12, 1996


Earth Month special lecture

Plastics recycling coming into its own

By Jeffery Kahn

From a conventional economic perspective, the incentives to recycle plastic are minimal. But, says Stephen Suess, a pioneer in this infant industry, the need to reuse plastic is absolutely compelling.

In an April 2 Earth Month talk in the Bldg. 50 auditorium, Suess discussed the dynamics that have discouraged plastics recycling and the imaginative approaches some are taking to change these dynamics.

Oil is the main feedstock used to make virgin (new) plastic. One pound of virgin plastic requires about eight cents worth of oil. Given that their feedstock costs are almost nothing, Suess said, manufacturers of plastic have very little motivation to become involved in recycling.

However, he said, consider what is involved in acquiring the eight cents worth of oil. Typically, the oil has to be pumped out of the ground, transported to an oil tanker, shipped across an ocean, moved to a refinery, and then to a plastics producer. Perhaps the plastic is then transformed into a cup, which subsequently is used by a passenger on an airplane. From there, Suess said, it goes into a dumpster, on to a garbage truck, and into a landfill.

Suess, who founded a plastics manufacturing company 19 years ago, said he was disturbed by this life cycle. In 1990, he decided to do something about it, and began manufacturing products out of recycled plastic.

Today, the Plactory, based in Live Oak, Calif., collects half of its $1 million annual revenue from recycled plastic products. It makes store display racks from 100 percent recycled plastic. The Plactory uses plastic labeled as #7, a mix of thousands of plastic types that is seldom recycled. In 1993, the Plactory was named California recycler of the year by the California Resource Recovery Association.

Suess is an advocate of recycling plastic through multiple lifetimes via a cascade effect. When plastic is recycled, its quality degrades slightly. Certain uses are appropriate and others become inappropriate. However, over time Suess said, recovered plastic can be cycled through a cascade of consecutive uses.

Take the case of old, worn-out Tupperware. It can be recycled into lawn furniture. As it wears out, it can be transformed into stepping stones. When these degenerate, they could be burned as fuel.

Before this cascade of reuses can actually take place, Suess said, the issue of chemical additives must be resolved. Additives are used in the manufacture of virgin plastic with no particular concern as to how they will affect its reuse. Some additives damage the processing equipment used to manufacture recycled plastic. Other additives would harm the environment if the plastic were burned as fuel.

"There is no reason you can't make plastic that ultimately can be burned," Suess said. "But before that can happen, the plastics industry must rethink what it is doing. Right now, the idea is just to make that plastic cup. Ultimately, they've got to learn how to make a cup that doesn't have to spend eternity in a landfill."


Plan to remove old and diseased trees should reduce fire hazard

Program will promote native tree health, growth

By Ron Kolb

It is difficult to imagine, standing amid the woodland that is a Berkeley Lab trademark, that a significant number of Laboratory trees are in poor and failing health.

Yet that's the conclusion of a six-month analysis of the function, fire vulnerability and health of the Laboratory's trees. As a result, a major revegetation and vegetation-management project will begin this spring. The plan includes the eventual elimination of hundreds of trees, which will allow for the planting of trees more suited to the site, and permit the natural growth of native trees. This will result in more protection from wildland fire.

Another element of the program will be expansion of the Laboratory's boundaries, in cooperation with the UC Berkeley campus, to establish a buffer zone around the site in order to protect Lab buildings from fast-moving fires in the hills.

Orange markings on tree trunks around the site signify those targeted for removal. Some are diseased or failing; others are fire risks, according to Rich McClure of Berkeley Lab's Facilities Department, who has been Lab liaison to the East Bay Hills Vegetation Management Consortium.

"Trees are an important element of the natural landscape that we enjoy here at Berkeley Lab," McClure said. "They are also part of the ecology. Many trees also provide screening and contribute to the overall appearance of a natural hillside."

For this reason, the decision about which trees to remove was based on a careful analysis that included the input of professional arborists, wildland fire specialists, landscape architects, and Lab fire department and facilities personnel. Advisors also included faculty in the Environmental Science Policy and Management and Integrated Biology programs at UC Berkeley, as well as representatives of the California Native Plant Society, East Bay Regional Park District and the UC Herbarium and Botanical Gardens. Tree marking ensured that the team was able to clearly identify particular trees for analysis and discussion.

What they discovered was that nearly 40 percent of the Lab's trees have peaked in vitality or are in failure, many prematurely due to the high density at which they were planted. Most groves are not regenerating effectively and largely consist of "monocultural" trees of similar age. Many targeted trees are multi-trunked eucalyptus resprouts.

The absence of a natural fire in the area over the past 73 years has allowed coyote bush and some other shrubs to grow too old, and has inhibited biological diversity in many areas, according to Bob Berninzoni, the Lab's grounds manager. He says the the only native grove of trees on the site is the stand of oaks and bays in Blackberry Canyon, and that other tree species have had difficulty growing in the climate and soils of this area.

Trees in some areas are prime candidates for "crown" fire, in which flames travel dangerously through treetops. Also, there is so much ground "fuel" around the Lab's perimeter that a resulting fire could only be fought successfully from the air; hence the plan to extend the Lab boundaries to include some of the surrounding vegetation. Under a memorandum of understanding being prepared by Lab Director Charles Shank and UCB Chancellor Chang-lin Tien, the Lab's overall acreage within the new borders will grow by about 45 percent.

The "Maintenance Program for a Fire-Safe Sustainable Landscape" will be implemented in stages over a three-year period. This program incorporates the second phase of the French broom eradication process initiated last year. Besides tree removal, there will be mowing, pruning, replanting, removal of brush, weeds and dead wood, and ongoing grassland maintenance using goat herds.

Facilities staff members have been talking with adjacent neighborhood associations about the project, and they plan to begin a series of brown-bag meetings and field trips to discuss the proposed plan next week at the Laboratory. Noontime sessions will be held on Monday, April 15, in Bldg. 90-3148, Tuesday, April 16, in the Bldg. 66 auditorium, Wednesday, April 17, in Bldg. 2-100, and Thursday, April 18, in Bldg. 83-103.

CAPTION: Hundreds of Lab trees are slated to be removed in order to bring the landscape back to a more natural and fire safe condition.

CAPTION: This view of the (future) Lab acreage from 1897 shows the landscape in its more natural grassland state, with few trees.


Lab to hold environmental workshop for public

The public is invited to discuss various environmental issues with Lab representatives at a special community workshop from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, at the North Berkeley Senior Center.

Berkeley Lab program managers will be available to answer questions on topics such as environmental restoration; fire protection; regulation and compliance; and waste generation, disposal and minimization.

The effort is intended to strengthen communication between the Laboratory and the community. The Laboratory arranged the session in response to concerns voiced at public meetings by community members who said they lack sufficient information about the Lab's programs and environmental impacts.

Workshop attendees will be able to sit down and discuss issues with Laboratory personnel who will be sitting at tables identified by subject matter. No formal program will be presented. The Senior Center is located at Hearst Avenue and Martin Luther King Jr. Way.


Small-business contracting up

By Brennan Kreller

The Laboratory's Procurement Department has once again received DOE recognition for its efforts to increase the number of small, minority-owned, and women-owned businesses among its subcontractors, exceeding its goals for FY 1995.

Of all Laboratory procurement for FY95, nearly $55 million went to small businesses. Almost $12 million of that went to minority-owned businesses, and more than $6 million to women-owned businesses.

"Goals are set each year to help make the Laboratory's purchasing subcontracts representative of the diversity and economic makeup of our society," said Ken Woodruff, associate chief financial officer of Business Services. This community includes growing percentages of businesses owned by women and minorities.

Woodruff said that a good faith effort to achieve goals has always been made by the Lab and recognized by DOE, whether or not all goals were met. "During the year, projects frequently change," he said, "changing purchasing patterns and sometimes requiring more large-scale, `big business' purchases."

For FY95, minority-owned and women-owned business subcontracts accounted for 12.3 percent and 6.5 percent of all procurement respectively in FY95, surpassing the goals of 12 and 6 percent. Overall, small business subcontracts reached 57.1 percent, exceeding the 56 percent goal for total small business subcontracting.

Although all contracts are competitively bid, outreach to minority- and women-owned business is emphasized through participation in several trade associations, such as InterBay NET, the Northern California Supplier Development Council, and the Industry Council for Small Business Development. The Lab also shares information and resources with the UC campuses and other DOE labs.


On-site compliance review begins this month

The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), from the U.S. Department of Labor, will begin its on-site compliance review at the Laboratory on Monday, April 22. The review is intended to determine the extent to which the Laboratory has complied with its affirmative action and equal employment opportunity requirements.

OFCCP compliance officer Shavonne Pryor, who is expected to be at the Laboratory for two weeks, may review files and documents and interview employees. After April 22, employees who wish to comment on the Laboratory's compliance with its affirmative action and equal opportunity obligations may contact Pryor at Bldg. 51-208A, X5032, or at her Oakland office (637-2938). Questions prior to or during the review may be directed to Work Force Diversity Office Head Harry Reed, X4130, or Human Resources Head Walter L. Blount, X7560.




In last week's Newswire, it was incorrectly reported that DOE will ask Congress for contributions to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project at CERN that could reach $750 million. The DOE request will actually be $450 million in as-spent dollars. Approximately half of these funds would be spent on the LHC accelerator and the rest would be divided between the two detectors, ATLAS and CMS. Berkeley Lab researchers are active participants in the planning and development of the accelerator as well as the ATLAS detector.


On April 9, the UC Regents selected Robert C. Dynes, a physicist renowned for his research in semiconductors and solid state circuits, to head UC San Diego, and M.R.C. Greenwood, dean of graduate studies at UC Davis and former associate science advisor for President Clinton, to head UC Santa Cruz. Dynes will be UCSD's sixth chancellor, succeeding current UC President Richard C. Atkinson. Greenwood will be the seventh chancellor of UC Santa Cruz, succeeding Karl S. Pister, who will retire in June. Both will assume their new posts on July 1.


"The First Moments of the Universe" is the title of a free public lecture to be given on Thursday, April 18, by the distinguished French astrophysicist Hubert Reeves. Sponsored by the Center for Particle Astrophysics, the lecture will start at 7 p.m. in Sibley Auditorium in the Bechtel Engineering Center on the UC Berkeley campus. Reeves is the Director of Research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and could be called the French version of Carl Sagan. He is one of the world's top experts on the origin of the light elements (helium, deuterium and lithium), appears frequently on French television, and is a bestselling author in France. He is also highly regarded for his work as an environmentalist.


Members of the House Budget Committee may use the Galvin Report on the national laboratories as the basis for proposing consolidations. According to the Committee's vice chair, Rep. Robert Walker (R-Pa.), he and his colleagues are considering the Galvin Task Force's recommendation that Congress form a government corporation to manage the laboratories. This corporation, whose board members would be appointed by the President, would have authority to organize lab facilities and to allocate resources as it sees fit, with the intention of serving its "customers" at DOE and other federal agencies, and at the universities and private industry. DOE would receive blocks of funding in each of four mission areas--defense, energy, basic research, and environment--to pay for services performed by the labs. This recommendation of the Galvin report had been rejected by DOE. Instead, Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary established an internal DOE board to supervise plans for improving laboratory operations. (The draft of this "strategic mission plan" was reported in last week's Newswire.) Walker, however, said the House Budget Committee views the Galvin report's corporate approach as a possible means of consolidating or scaling back government operations. "I see some enthusiasm for using the Galvin Report as a way to proceed," Walker said. "What we follow will probably be Galvin."


Earthquake Awareness Month

April is Earthquake Awareness Month, which means it's time to think about earthquake preparedness both at the Laboratory and at home. Despite the fact that California is a hotbed of earthquake activity, far too few of us are adequately prepared to deal with the aftermath of a quake.

This month, the Lab has arranged several activities to help us become more aware, and more prepared. These activities are listed below. In addition, the Laboratory has a new five-minute instructional video--"Emergency Preparedness Drill-LBNL," produced by Sheri Brenner of TEID--that includes information on action employees should take during and after an earthquake while at the Lab. At least one copy has been provided to each division safety coordinator. It is also being shown in the Bldg. 50 auditorium on April 23 (see list below). To obtain a copy of the video, contact Don Bell or Mark Turner at X6016 or X6554.

Finally, the Laboratory offers earthquake preparedness training to all employees. Special presentations can be made to groups of 12 or more. For more information, call X5999.

CAPTION: This home in San Francisco's Marina District suffered serious damage during the October 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.


Special Activities

Building Manager/Safety Coordinator Meeting

Wednesday, April 18 * 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Bldg. 50 Auditorium. Meeting will focus on the upcoming Earthquake Exercise (scheduled for May 14).

Emergency Supplies Vendor

Tuesday, April 23 * 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Cafeteria lobby. The vendor Earthquake Outlet of Albany will be selling basic disaster supplies: flashlights, radios, packaged water, earthquake kits for home or car, gas shut-off wrenches, and more.

Video Presentation

Tuesday, April 23 * noon, 12:15, 12:30 & 12:45 p.m.

Bldg. 50 Auditorium. A five-minute instructional video includes information on action employees should take during and after an earthquake while at the Lab.

Earthquake Preparedness Display

Month of April

Cafeteria lobby. Display shows information about earthquake preparedness.

Lab-Wide Emergency Exercise

Tuesday, May 14 * 10 a.m. - noon

(Rain date - May 15) Watch upcoming Currents for details.


Emergency supply checklist

Stocking up now on emergency supplies can add to your safety and comfort during and after an earthquake. Store enough supplies for at least 72 hours.


Sanitation Supplies Safety and Comfort Cooking Tools and Supplies


Currents ONLINE

The full text of each edition of Currents is published on the Lab's home page on the World Wide Web. View it at under "Research News and Publications." To set up your computer to access the World Wide Web, call the Mac and PC Support Group at X6858.


ALS user featured in PBS special

IBM research scientist George Castro and his custom-designed x-ray microscope at the ALS were featured in the first episode of a special PBS program "BreakThrough: The Changing Face of Science In America."

The first episode, "The Path of Most Resistance," aired on Monday, April 8. It profiled four scientists who have faced resistance on their respective paths toward professional recognition. In the program, Castro talks about the challenge and reward of trying something completely new in science with the test being when you try it for the first time and see if it works. Castro and researchers from the University of Wisconsin are shown commissioning the then-newly constructed Paraxial-Ray-Imaging Spectromicroscope (PRISM) endstation on ALS Beamline 7.0. Castro retired from IBM last year and is now associate dean of the College of Science at San Jose State University.

The six-part "BreakThrough" series profiles 20 contemporary African-American, Latino, and Native-American scientists and engineers who are making advances in science. The series continues Monday, April 15, and Monday, April 22 on PBS (check local listings). The program's Web site includes information on the series, profiles of the scientists, and educational materials for use in the classroom (

CAPTION: IBM research scientist George Castro was featured in the first episode of a special PBS program "BreakThrough: The Changing Face of Science In America."


1995 annual report here

Report 1995, Berkeley Lab's year-end review of ongoing research projects in physics, biosciences, materials, energy, and the environment, is now available. Contact Mary Padilla (Bldg. 65B, X5771, or [email protected]) for a copy.

It is also accessible via the Berkeley Lab home page (


Fun and fascinating facts from the ALS

The following fascinating facts about the Advanced Light Source were featured recently in the ALSNews electronic newsletter, composed by Deborah Dixon, Jane Cross, and Annette Greiner of the ALS TEID Writing Group.

How strong are the permanent magnets at the ALS?

To get a sense of their strength, imagine pulling a typical refrigerator magnet off your freezer door. For a pretty strong one, this takes a force of about 2.7 newtons (about half a pound, or the weight of a 0.27-kg object). By comparison, if the upper and lower magnetic structures of the wiggler being installed for beamline 5.0 were placed 14 mm apart (their minimum gap), it would take a force of almost 170,000 newtons (38,000 pounds) to separate them--more than 63,000 times as much force! ALS physicists and engineers don't even like to think about what would happen if we let the magnets touch--this could result in damage to their magnetic properties, so wigglers and undulators are engineered with sturdy structures to hold the magnets apart against extremely large forces.

Why does the ALS spend so much time vacuuming?

When we check for vacuum leaks in the ALS, we look for leaks so small that if a car tire had one, it would take 10,000 years for the tire to go flat. Why? The scattering cross-section of a high-energy particle is so high that the ALS electron beam would propagate only a few meters in atmosphere because of the number of collisions with air molecules, etc., that the beam would experience. Thus, to maximize electron beam lifetime (i.e., keep collisions to a minimum), the ALS vacuum system is designed to maintain a very low pressure inside the vacuum chamber. In fact, the ALS vacuum chamber has fewer atoms per unit volume in it than there are in outer space, i.e., the pressure is about one trillionth that of the atmosphere. The ALS vacuum is so good that improving it would have almost no effect on beam lifetime; lifetime is chiefly limited by intra-bunch scattering of electrons (the Touschek effect), not by electrons scattering from gas molecules.

To manufacture the final vacuum chamber sections, each half of the 12 full-sized vacuum-chamber sectors was cut from a single sheet of aluminum 10 cm thick, 1.5 meters wide, and 10 meters long. Each of the 24 sheets needed cost $17,500. Scraps from the sheets were used to make the vacuum chambers and magnet mounting frames for ALS insertion devices. The machining costs were $900,000 (not including welding the two halves together, cleaning in preparation for vacuum, etc.).


New Netscape Navigator application available

ICSD's Computing Services has just purchased a Netscape support contract that will allow Berkeley Lab employees to use all versions of Netscape 2.x--and any major or minor upgrades to the application--during the next year. (Netscape Navigator Gold and Netscape Server software are not covered by the contract.)

Netscape 2.0 allows users to build and send secure e-mail with embedded links; sort and list news messages from subscribed folders; drag and drop links from any Web page into newly enhanced bookmarks; instantaneously view multimedia content; and explore "Frames," a new feature that offers multiplaned, individually scrollable windows with distinct Internet addresses.

The Netscape license allows for multiplatform use of the software--PC Netscape Navigator client licenses can be moved to Macintosh or Unix platforms.

Copies of these new applications can be downloaded directly from the Netscape web site (http://home.netscape. com/comprod/mirror/client_download.html).


Bowling League holding boat-cruise bash

All employees are invited to join the fun

The LBNL Bowling League will hold its annual banquet on Saturday, May 11. The banquet, which is open to all Berkeley Lab employees, spouses and guests, will be held on the yacht "Jack London" of the Commodore Dining Cruises. Boarding will begin at 6:30 p.m. The boat will depart Mariner Square in Alameda at 7 p.m. and return at 11 p.m.

The cost is $55 per person, and includes a buffet dinner of Caesar salad, prime rib, champagne chicken, roasted potatoes, vegetables, sourdough rolls, and assorted cheese cakes. There will be a no-host bar, and DJ and Karaoke entertainment. Special added attractions are planned.

Reservations and a non-refundable deposit of $20 for each ticket are due by Friday, April 19. The balance is due by Friday, April 26.

For more information, contact Cynthia Long at X6672, or Ed Masuoka at X5337.


Currents distribution affected by moves

Each week, the Laboratory's Mail Room delivers Currents to more than 150 mailstops around the Hill, on campus, and downtown. The number of copies designated for each drop-off is based on the number of employees associated with that mailstop. Because so many employees have moved to new offices in recent months, it is probable that some mailstops are now receiving either too many or too few copies of Currents. If this is the case at your mailstop, please contact (or ask your mailstop manager to contact) Mail Room supervisor Rick Briseno (X4630) with a revised count.


Cafeteria becoming forkless

Cafeteria manager Basil Friedman says forks are disappearing from the cafeteria at an alarming rate, and he would like them back. If you have taken forks, or any utensils, dishware, or trays from the cafeteria, please return them to the dish drop-off window near the dining room exit.


Calendar of Events
April 15-26

MON., April 15


Radiation Protection-Fundamentals (EHS 400), 9 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 48-109

Radiation Protection-Lab Safety (EHS 432), 2-4:30 p.m., Bldg. 48-109


"The Plutonium Legacy: the Problems and Solutions" will be presented by Bruce Matthews of LANL at 3:30 p.m. in 3105 Etcheverry; refreshments, 3:15 p.m.


"Using Atoms to Probe the Particle Physical Physics Frontier: Precise Measurements of Parity Violation and Tests of Time Reversal Symmetry" will be presented by Norval Fortson of the University of Washington at 4:30 p.m. in 1 Le Conte Hall.

TUES., April 16


The Laboratory is sponsoring a tour of the Sutta Company recycling facility, 11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Sign up with Shelley Worsham, X6123.


Laser Safety (EHS 280), 1-3:30 p.m., Bldg. 51-201

WED., April 17


The Recycled Products Fair will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the cafeteria lawn.


"Population, Immigration, and The Environment: Environmental Justice Across Borders" will be presented by Cathi Tactaquin of the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Santos Gomez of the Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment and Security, and Hannah Creighton of Urban Habitat at 3:30 p.m. in 160 Kroeber Hall; reception, 3 p.m. in 310 Barrows Hall.

THURS., April 18


A litter pickup will be held from noon to 1 p.m.; meet in front of the cafeteria.


"The Star Formation History of Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Group" will be presented by Tammy Smecker of UCI at 4 p.m. in 1 Le Conte Hall; refreshments, 3:30 p.m. at 661 Campbell Hall.


"Retrofitting Duct Systems: Results from a 25-House Field Study in Sacramento" will be presented by Iain Walker of LBNL at noon in Bldg. 90-3148.


"Strain Accommodation in Metal Epitaxy" will be presented by Robert Hwang of Sandia National Laboratories at 1:30 p.m. in Bldg. 62-203.


"Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technology for Destruction of Nuclear Waste" will be presented by Charles Bowman of LANL at 4 p.m. in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium; refreshments, 3:40 p.m.

FRI., April 19


MON., April 22


7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., near Bldg. 77


General meeting at noon on the cafeteria patio.


"Nanofriction and Surface Chemical Imaging" will be presented by Nicholas Spencer of ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, at 1:30 p.m. in Bldg. 66-316.


"Superstring and M Theory Dualities" will be presented by John Schwarz of Cal Tech at 2:30 p.m. in Bldg. 50B-4205.


"Photon Counting in The Visual System" will be presented by Fred Rieke of Stanford University at 4:30 p.m. in 1 Le Conte Hall; refreshments 4 p.m., 375 Le Conte.

TUES., April 23


"Parton Model Sum Rules" will be presented by Axel Kwiatkowski of LBNL at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132; refreshments, 3:40 p.m.

WED., April 24


General meeting at 12:10 p.m. in Bldg. 2-100


"How to Use the Media for Environmental Victories! " will be presented by Herbert Chao Gunther of the Public Media Center at 3:30 p.m. in the Lipman Room, 8th Floor, Barrows Hall; reception, 3 p.m.

THURS., April 25



"Introduction to The Natural Step" will be presented by David Sheppard Surrenda of The Natural Step at noon in Bldg. 90-3148.


"Novel Expression Systems for In-Situ Bioremediation" will be presented by Abdul Martin of Stanford University at noon in 338 Koshland.


"Molecular Dynamics Studies of the Tribology of Diamond Surfaces" will be presented by Judith Harrison of the U.S. Naval Academy at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.


"Weak Lensing by Clusters of Galaxies at Redshifts Greater Than 1/2" will be presented by Ger Luppino of the University of Hawaii at 4 p.m. in 1 Le Conte Hall; refreshments, 3:30 p.m. at 661 Campbell Hall.


"Numerical Evidence for the Observation of a Scalar Glueball" will be presented by Don Weingarten of IBM at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132; refreshments, 3:40 p.m.

FRI., April 26


8 a.m.-2 p.m. in cafeteria foyer


Adult CPR (EHS 123), 9 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 48-109


"Beam Dynamics in the BNL Muon G-2 Experiment" will be presented by Yuri Orlov of Cornell University at 10:30 a.m. in the Bldg. 71 conference room.


Berkeley Chamber offers scholarship

The Berkeley Chamber of Commerce, of which the Laboratory is a member, is offering a scholarship designed to assist the children of Chamber members in pursuing a college education. The children of Berkeley Lab employees are eligible for the $500 cash scholarship, which will be rewarded on the basis of scholastic achievement; financial need; citizenship, leadership, service, and employment; and an interview with the scholarship committee.

Applications are available by contacting the Chamber office at 549-7003. Completed applications are due by May 17. The scholarship recipient will be announced at the Annual Chamber of Commerce Dinner on July 25.


Dining Center April 15-19



Flea Market ads may be sent via e-mail to [email protected], Fax to X6641, or Lab mail to Bldg. 65B. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.


'70 VW wgn, 4-spd stick, runs well, gd int. & ext., $1700/b.o. 531-8470

'77 FORD LTD wgn, lt. blue, gd cond., runs fine, a/t, p/s, p/b, $950. Gary, 235-0243

'77 SILVER STREAK, 29 ft., prime cond., complete w/many extras, must sell, must see. Hannah, X4781, 528-6386

'79 MERCEDES BENZ 300D diesel, ivory, 25K mi. after rebuilt engine, 4-dr, moonroof, 2 sets of new custom-made white seat covers, new cass. player AM/FM, $4290. Leo, X7320, 222-4739

'80 MAZDA GLC, white, 130K mi., $700. Kate, 704-8236

'83 NISSAN Stanza, silver, 4-dr hatchbk, 5-spd stick, new alternator, brakes & clutch, 139K mi., reg. `til 12/96, AM/FM radio, sold by leaving visiting researcher, must sell, $2500/b.o. 849-0728

'84 TOYOTA p/u, 5-spd, long bed, new clutch, runs well, $3200. Margo or Deniz, X6280, (415) 871-4450

'85 SAAB 900, 4-dr, 106K mi., exc. int., 5-spd, CD, $4K. Pat, 874-7877 (day), 568-6386 (eve.)

'85 VW Cabriolet, 5-spd, red, black top, 131K mi., body very gd, fuel inj., Pioneer detach face AM/FM, 1 owner, $3500. X6220, 682-8872

'86 SUBARU sta wgn, tan, 105K mi., $3200. Kate, 704-8236

'86 VW GTI, sunrf, leather, sports pkg., new muffler, battery, smog & tires, $3800. 528-3575

'87 NISSAN Sentra, 165K mi., 5-spd, gd cond., reliable, $1K. Klaus, X7779, 540-1206 (eve.)

'89 MERC Sable wgn LS, leather, a/t, digital, 3rd seat, 88K mi., exc. cond., $7700/offer. Pat, (415) 454-6900 (eve.)

'89 TOYOTA Corolla, 2-dr, 66K mi., AM/FM cass., a/c, 5-spd, exc. cond., $5K/b.o. Carry, (415) 431-2980

'90 GEO Metro, 2-dr hatchbk, blue, AM/FM, 75K mi., $2200. Bruno, X7311, 658-6830

'91 CHEVROLET Cavalier RS sedan, 4-dr, gray, a/c, AM/FM, 71K mi., $4700. Bruno, X7311, 658-6830

'91 GEO Prism, 4-dr, white, a/t, 75K mi., FM/AM, a/c, $6800. Leo, X7320, 222-4739

'92 VW Fox, 2-dr, 4-spd, a/c, 60K mi., dealer serviced, 1 owner, $4K. Larry, X5406, 283-2791

CAR STEREO, Toyota/Fujitsu, AM/FM, digital display, 6 station memory, 1 yr. old, $75/b.o. Benerva, X4787, 849-9560

RV AWNING, 8 ft., retractable, $175. Karl, X6129


VANPOOL, looking for riders to Lab from So. Concord/Walnut Creek, 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Tom, X7882


OAKLAND SYMPHONY, 2 tix, Fri., 5/17, w/Indonesian Gamelan music & Afro-Cuban drumming/dance, dress circle, $18 ea. (cost $22). Ken, X7739


MEMBERS for Gliding Club, we have 4 instructors, 4 sailplanes & 1 tow plane, we fly locally from the Byron Airport & in the summer from Truckee. Mike, 254-0609


AMPLIFIER, Collins 30L-1, linear, $350; HP5006A Signature Analyzer, new, complete w/manual, $225. Ron, X5562, 526-6328

CABINET for home, audio/video rack style, 6' tall, 30" wide, 12" deep, has 4 adj. height shelves - 2 glass, wood finish, 2 units avail., $60 ea./b.o. Philip, X6583

CHIROPODIST'S CHAIR, leather, 1940s, elec./hyd. lift, exc. cond., $400. Brian, 525-2689

COLOR MONITOR, 14", in box, $75; 486-40 motherboard, $85. 685-5659

COMPUTER, Packard Bell 386, 25 MHz, 4 MB RAM, 100 MB hard drive, 2400 baud internal modem, color monitor, including HP deskjet 500 C color printer & assorted software, $600. Lisa, X5569

COMPUTER, lap top, Acernote 786, 8M Ram 500MB HD, 486DX4/75, 256 color display, 2 card slots, trackball, many programs installed, orig. box & manuals, exc. cond., $1100/b.o. 235-3983

CORNER CABINET, traditional, cherry, w/glass front door; many antiques also. 528-3575

DISHWASHER, full sz., portable Kitchen Aid, solid wood chopping block, 3 yr. old, $500; Nishiki MTB, 21.5" Deore XT/XTR, $500; 22" commuter, $150; Windsurfer, Hy Fly, 11.5' w/2 sails, mast, boom & hardware, $600. Rick, X7341, 234-0451

EXERCISE BICYCLE, stationary, Tunturi E-504, high quality, like new, computer, paid $450, asking $250. Bob, 845-3753

FUTON, queen sz. couch, $100. Ben, X6683

GOLF CLUBS, set of "Sting", used twice, irons are 2 thru sand wedge, 3 metal woods, swing weight D-1, stiff shafts, standard grips, cost $650 new, sell for $450 firm. Kathy, 837-7062 (eve.)

HAND-HELD SCANNER for IBM-PC, Windows3.1 compatible, Mustek, Model HT-800, up to 800 dpi & 256 gray scale, will sell for $70. Masato, X4131, 631-9518

JACUZZI, neo angle, health spa w/faucets, best offer. Deniz, Margo, X6280, (415) 871-4450

MOVING SALE, 13" TV, RCA, $140; 4 head VCR, Sanyo, $145; CD/radio/alarm, Sony, $72; twin bed, $50; sofa bed, full sz., $150; sofa bed, twin sz., $110; desk, $50; desk chair, $35; 2 white shelves, $20 ea.; 3 sm. foldable tables, $10 ea.; 3 foldable wooden chairs, $10 ea.; nylon string guitar, $60; 2 white halogen lamps, $10 ea.; twin & queen comforter, $30 ea., everything less than 2 yr. old, in great shape. 849-0728

MOVING SALE, futon, black steel frame, table, 2 chairs, halogen lamp, all like new, $250. Bruno, X7311, 658-6830

MOVING SALE, misc. items & junk, Sat., 4/13 & Sun., 4/14, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 20 Highgate Rd., Kensington. Brian, 525-2689

REFRIGERATOR, 18 cu. ft., gd cond., easy pick up, u-haul, $60. X6876

ROTOTILLER, Troy-Bilt, 5 HP. 531-3105

SCUBA GEAR, Viking Dry Suit w/thermal underwear & built-in hard-sole boots, unisex, will fit to 5'6" tall, durable, warm, $600; Seaquest jacket BC, size sm., $100. Mary, X5270, 938-9891

THERMAL CYCLER, MJ Research, model PTC-100, make offer, $1750 min. Paul, X4417, 528-7285

WATER FILTERS, NSA, sink models 50C & 100S. Marek, X5029, 582-5867

WOMAN'S BIKES, $25, $35; Krypto U-lock, 12" & 20", $15 ea. X6878, 528-3408


BERKELEY, furn. 1-bdrm avail. 5/14 - 8/10, sunny, hardwd flrs, off st. parking, short walk to transit & grocery, $520/mo. + util. Robin, 848-0379

BERKELEY, 1-bdrm apt to sublet 4/25 - 6/6, nr LBNL & UCB on Oxford X Cedar, $800, can prorate if needed. Kate, 704-8236

BERKELEY, 3-bdrm, 2-bth upper unit of 6 yr. old duplex, nr downtown, refrig., dishwasher, washer/dryer, Jacuzzi bth, deck, 2 frpls, w-w carpets, 1 yr. lease, avail. 6/1, $1700/mo. David, 525-4470

NO. BERKELEY HILLS, 3-bdrm, 2-bth professor's home, 2 dens, living/dining areas, 1 garage space, avail. June thru Sept. inclusive, bay view, patio w/solar heated tub, on 67 bus line, $1600/mo. incl. garden care & water. John & Ann Reynolds, 527-0422

CASTRO VALLEY, 2 bdrms avail. in home, 1 w/pvt. bth, laundry & kitchen privs., short/long term, rent & dep. negot. Marek, X5029, 582-5867

EL CERRITO HILLS, sunny rm w/patio & yd in quite house, sep. entrance & bth, share kitchen, washer, dryer, nr bus & BART, $385/mo. & utils. Daniel, X5827, 527-8756

EMERYVILLE, 2-bdrm apt avail. for sublet from mid-June to mid-Aug., swimming pool, spa, gym, garage, free shuttle to BART, convenient loc., $750/mo., incl. utils. Joachim, X5083, Patricia, 595-7239

KENSINGTON, 3-bdrm, 1-1/2 bth house, GG view, deck, lg. yds, avail. 5/29 till 7/10, max. @ $1200/mo. 524-1641

KENSINGTON, sunny, quiet, 1-bdrm cottage, bay view, garden setting, new paint & carpets, washer/dryer share, nr shops & bus, $900/mo. 525-3697

ORINDA, spacious treetop flat, young, independent professional looking to share w/compatible housemate, great place to house skis, kayaks, bikes & other outdoor gear, $450/mo.+util. April, X6251

WALNUT CREEK, 2-bdrm, 1-bth home on cul-de-sac, woodsy setting, convenient to trans., hardwd flrs, newer appliances, no pets, no smoking, avail. 5/1, $1100/mo. incl. gardening. 895-3584 (msg.)

WANTED: housing for visiting male German postdoc, beginning 1st half of May, room(s) in home or sm. apt, nr trans. Mike, X7838, 654-0928

WANTED: 4 UCB grad students looking for rental accommodation nr campus from mid-May '96 thru to May '97. Graham, X5436

WANTED: visiting French scientist w/family of 3 children looking for a house to rent in the Bay area starting 6/20 until end of Aug., animals welcome, could exchange 4-bdrm, 2-bth apt & car (Volvo 740) in ctr. Paris. 33 1 43389440 (msg.), [email protected]

WANTED: furn./unfurn., 1 or 2-bdrm apt, condo or town house for postdoc, prefer No. Berkeley, Albany or Berkeley, other areas nr LBNL considered, beginning 1st or 2nd week of May. (202) 333-4173

WANTED: summer rental, July/Aug., 3-bdrm house in Berkeley, Kensington or No. Oakland for visiting prof. & family from CERN. Luanne, X5853

WANTED: house mid-June thru July for visiting French scientists. Fred, X4892


BERKELEY, nr Grizzly Peak & Shasta Rd, 3-bdrm, 3-bth house, lg. family rm, dining rm, full basement, $385K. Stan, X6849, 845-1905

WANTED: Rockridge/Elmwood, looking to buy 2+bdrm, 1-bth house located nr College Ave., desire Craftman-style, have gd credit, but open to fixer, lease option, seller financed, etc. Matt, X4006, 654-5260


SO. LAKE TAHOE, Tahoe Keys, 3-bdrm, 2.5-bth house, W/D, upstairs living, mountain & water views, ski. Bob, 376-2211


DOG, Samoyed & Golden Retriever mix, female, spayed & current with shots, 2 yr., 6 mo., gd w/kids. Lynda, 944-9031