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Berkeley Lab: 75 Years of World-Class Science 1931-2006 Berkeley Lab logo Today at Berkeley Lab masthead
spacer image Tuesday, September 5, 2006 spacer image

It’s That Time of Year … Fiscal Close Begins NOW

In addition to communications aimed at the finance and business community-such as targeted e-mails, details on the BLIS and IRIS portals, and a CLOSE STATUS LINE with voice recording announcing the status of accounting activity and financial reports, a regular column in TABL will note important dates from now until the moment we can yell “Happy New Year” and FY07 officially begins at the Lab.

Important Dates

Weekly “soft closes” in FMS: Sept. 7, Sept. 14, Sept. 20

Sept. 12: Deadline for all FY06 WFO research proposals and awards to be submitted to the Sponsored Projects Office for any FY06 sponsored research

Sept. 15: Recommended deadline for purchase requisitions to be submitted

(Note: Procurement will process orders as quickly as possible. However, long lead time items or complex purchase requests need to be requested even sooner to ensure the items are received by LBNL Receiving BEFORE the FY06 close cut off Friday, 22 September, 6:30 p.m.)

Sept. 15: Last day for PAF forms to be submitted to the Payroll Office

Sept. 15: Last day for travel expense vouchers to be submitted to Travel

Sept. 20 (Noon): LETS time entry due for weeks ending 9/16 and 9/23

Sept. 21: Last day for new projects to be set up in the accounting system

Sept. 21: Last day for purchase receipt activity to be booked in the accounting system

Sept. 22: (Noon): First cutoff for submitting expense accruals

Sept. 22 (5 p.m.): LETS time entry due for the month ending 9/30/2006 and for weeks ending 9/24 and 9/30

Further Information is Available

The FY06 Fiscal Year End Close web page contains a detailed close schedule, forms, contacts, and other useful information. Links to this site are available from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer web page as well as from IRIS and BLIS home pages.

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